I am a proactive and accomplished graduate from Institut Bisnis IT&B, Medan. With a strong academic and non-academic background, I have demonstrated my commitment to learning and community service as well as committees. Good communication skills, the ability to work in a team, and experience in resolving interpersonal conflicts make me an ideal candidate for various positions and opportunities in the future. With a high spirit of learning and the ability to quickly adapt to different environments, I am ready to face new challenges and achieve further success in my academic and professional journey.
Microsoft Word
undefinedJohan Wijaya
Makin Cakap Digital 2022 Komunitas DKI Jakarta Banten - Kecakapan Digital Bertema Indonesia Makin Cakap Digital - Kominfo. NOMOR: 17034470/38-22342/LITDIG/2022
Basic Reading and Writing Thai Course - OMRYANPHASATHAI