Work History
Email addresses
Orcid id
Teaching experience
Research interests
Ratna Juwita

Ratna Juwita

Visiting Research Fellow And Assistant Professor


Hardworking academic with demonstrated record of research success in the field of anti-corruption and human rights. Self-directed and motivated professional with highly-ethical, meticulous and thorough approach.


years of professional experience

Work History

Visiting Research Fellow

Transboundary Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, University of Groningen
2023.07 - Current

I continue my research with my Promotor, Professor Marcel Brus and Co-Promotor, Dr. Antenor Hallo de Wolf after my Ph.D Defense. Due to the Scholarship's obligation, I have to return to Indonesia immediately after my Ph.D Defense but I continue my remaining research project with my Promotor and Co-Promotor until the findings of the research project is published. There is still one remaining article that needs to be submitted to the selected journals.

Assistant Professor

International Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
2015.01 - Current

I started to work at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta after I finished my LL.M studies at the University of Groningen. This is part of the Scholarship obligation from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education (Republic of Indonesia). I was assigned to teach International Law and my specialisation is Introduction to International Law, the Law of Treaties,Human Rights, Business and Human Rights, International Criminal Law, and International Humanitarian Law.

In 2018-2019, I was appointed as the Head of the Law and Society Department. During my appointment, I organised academic events, inter alia, academic discussions for the Faculty and assigned courses for colleagues in the Law and Society Department.


Sarjana Hukum (equivalent To LL.B) - International law

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

LL.M - International law and the law of international organizations

University of Groningen

Magister Hukum (equivalent To LL.M) - International law

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Ph.D. - International Law

University of Groningen


    Academic Writing

    Research design

    Qualitative Research

    Scientific Communication

    Interdisciplinary Collaboration

    Quantitative Research


    Teamwork and Collaboration

    Time Management


    Adaptability and Flexibility

    Effective Communication

    Analytical Thinking

    Continuous Improvement



  • Development of International Law in Asia (DILA)
  • International Law Association (ILA) Study Group of the Asian State Practice of Domestic Implementation of International Law
  • Groningen Centre for Health Law (GCHL)
  • Aletta Jacobs Junior Research Network
  • Development, Security, and Justice research group
  • Interdisciplinary Corruption Research Network (ICRN)
  • Netherlands Network of Human Rights Research (NNHRR)
  • Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht (Royal Netherlands Society of International Law)
  • Transparency International Expert Network
  • United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) Coalition Working Group
  • ILA Committee on Business and Human Rights

Email addresses


Orcid id

Teaching experience

  • International law (Introduction to International Law)
  • Law of treaties
  • Human rights law in Indonesia
  • International humanitarian law
  • Business and human rights (Specific in Indonesian Law context)
  • International criminal law
  • During my Ph.D studies, I helped Professor Brigit Toebes to teach International Health Law and Summer School on Health Inequality

Research interests

  • International law
  • Indonesian Law
  • Human rights
  • Anti-corruption
  • Constructivism
  • International norm dynamics
  • Norm entrepreneurship


  • Norm Entrepreneurship and Legal Frameworks Against Corruption: Human Rights Perspectives in International Law, 2024, Asia Pacific Law Review, 32, 2, 1-22
  • Understanding the Typology of Health Sector Corruption in Indonesia, 2023, Indonesia Law Review, 13, 2, 89-122
  • A Human Rights-Based Approach to Combating Corruption in the Education Sector in Indonesia, 2023, Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law, 24, 2, 230-265
  • Conceptualising Corruption as a Violation of Human Rights in Indonesia, 2023, PhD Dissertation, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
  • Exploring Corruption as a Violation of Human Rights in the Practices of International Human Rights Institutions, 2023, Journal of Human Rights Practice, 15, 1, 302-321
  • The Amendment of Anti-Corruption Law in Indonesia: The Contribution to the Development of International Anti-Corruption Law, 2021, Asian Yearbook of International Law vol. 25, Lee, S and Lee, H. E, Brill, 130-153
  • Protecting Human Rights by Limiting Them: The Strategy to Combat Covid-19, 2020, Global Health Law Groningen,
  • The Danger of Health Sector Corruption during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Indonesia, 2020, Global Health Law Groningen,
  • The Right to Education in the Era of the ASEAN Community: A Hope for the Regional Human Rights System, 2020, Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law, 21, 2, 195-236
  • An Aretaic Jurisprudence Approach to the Character of the Secretary-General of the United Nations as a Norm Entrepreneur to Save the Earth from the Adverse Impact of Climate Change, 2018, The Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law, 6, 1, 30-46
  • Good Governance and Anti-Corruption: Responsibility to Protect Universal Health Care in Indonesia, 2018, Hasanuddin Law Review, 4, 2, 162-180
  • Corruption as a Violation of the Right to Education in Indonesia: A Constructivist Approach, 2017, Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan, 47, 3, 350-376
  • Health Sector Corruption as the Archenemy of Universal Health Care in Indonesia, 2017, Mimbar Hukum, 29, 1, 163-172
  • Democracy and Anti-Corruption Strategy: The Role of Civil Society in Preventing and Combating Corruption in Indonesia, 2016, Asia Pacific Fraud Journal, 1, 2, 165-176
  • Peran Korporasi Terhadap Penghapusan Pekerjaan Terburuk Bagi Anak, 2016, Relasi Bisnis dan Hak Asasi Manusia: Konteks dan Perspektif Hukum di Indonesia, Ahsinin, A, et al, Lembaga Studi dan Advokasi Masyarakat, 257-272
  • Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Whistleblower di Indonesia: Sinergi Antara United Nations Convention Against Corruption dan Hukum Nasional Tentang Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban, 2016, Justitia et Pax, 32, 1, 89-109


1. Strengthening Human Rights and Peace Research/Education in ASEAN/Southeast Asia (SHAPE-SEA), 2023. I obtained a research grant from the SHAPE-SEA to research corruption and the right to a healthy environment in ASEAN.

2. I received an internal research grant from Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta in 2024 to Investigate whether Indonesia is a monist or dualist based on domestic law and judicial practices. I will do comparative research with my colleague at the Constitutional and Administrative Law Department, University of Groningen.

3. I am invited to participate in a workshop by the Bocher Foundation in May 2025 to present my research about corruption and mental health in Indonesia. The coordinators of this project are Professor Alicia Ely Yamin (Harvard University) and Daniela Cepeda Cuadrado (U4, Chr. Michelsen Institute).

4. I will present my research concerning corruption and the right to a healthy environment in ASEAN with SHAPE-SEA at the WINNER Conference 2024. WINNER Conference is the annual conference by the Ministry of Education of the Netherlands and the Government of Indonesia.

5. Revision of Sudargo Gautama and Robert Hornick’s book, entitled An Introduction to Indonesian Law: Unity in Diversity, 2024. I will revise and update the content of the book with the newest developments in Indonesian law.

6. This is a project in the pipeline, I will do research with Stanford University and the University of Groningen concerning accountability for the right to health through right to health indicators in 2025. The principal investigator of this research project is Dr. Kajal Khanna (Stanford University) and Dr. Marlies Hesselman (University of Groningen).


Indonesian, Javanese
Native language
Chinese (Mandarin)


Visiting Research Fellow

Transboundary Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, University of Groningen
2023.07 - Current

Assistant Professor

International Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
2015.01 - Current

Sarjana Hukum (equivalent To LL.B) - International law

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

LL.M - International law and the law of international organizations

University of Groningen

Magister Hukum (equivalent To LL.M) - International law

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Ph.D. - International Law

University of Groningen
Ratna JuwitaVisiting Research Fellow And Assistant Professor