Python programming proficiency

Accurate Controls Engineer with fortes in process operation, programmable logic controls, and installation. Energetic and hardworking with the ability to multitask. Proficient in Python, PLC and LabView. To seek and maintain a full-time position that offers professional challenges utilizing interpersonal skills, excellent time management and problem-solving skills.
Multi Client SCADA with PLC LG
Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia - 2018
Robotic Arm Controlling with Kinect & LabView
Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia - 2019
Machine Learning Heart Disease Project with Scikit-Learn
Personal Project, Cikarang, Indonesia - 2021
Machine Learning Bulldozer Price Prediction Project with Scikit-Learn
Personal Project, Cikarang, Indonesia - 2021
E-Wallet Web Feature with Django Rest Framework
PT Frisidea Tech Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia - 2021
Tracer Study Web Feature with Django Rest Framework
PT Frisidea Tech Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia - 2020
Python programming proficiency
Django Rest Framework
Django Web Framework
Machine Learning
PLC Programming
LabVIEW Programming
Data Analysis
Data Visualization
Microsoft Office
Self-motivated professional
undefinedCertified Co Trainer PLC, UII - [2019]
Complete Python Developer, Zero to Mastery - [2020]
Certified Co Trainer PLC, UII - [2019]
Certified Assistant Laboratory PLC, UII - [2017 - 2019]
Certified Assistant Laboratory Dasar Elektronika, UII - [2017 - 2018]